Tummy time!

Shout out to Joce, since it is her birthday!!! Woooo party!

One of the side effects of my malaria pills is that they keep me wide awake.... all the time! Last night, like I said, Catherine and I were again the last ones to go to bed. But once we did (around midnight), I wasn't sleepy so I decided to read. I ended up reading about 100 pages before I realized it had gotten so late. I tossed and turned from then til 6. I had to get up then because I could not breathe out of my nose! Turns out, everyone woke up a little congested today. Bummer. Needless to say, it was a good thing Dr. Tullos had the coffee ready this morning!

Today was our second day at the Haven. Jaime and I were with Caroline again, and will be with her the rest of the week working with the babies who have feeding issues. We went to Haven 1 first to see Hamilton, since he's really the highest priority. We had our little feeding group and it was fun! Plus, all the aunties were changing the babies so that meant we got them clean and empty (no poop today!). Here is a picture of some of the group:
Hamilton, day 2. Still the tiniest thing of my life.

My precious little Miller! He was a little unsure about getting his picture taken. Also, anytime I'm in Haven 1 with him, I tend to say to him, "It's Miller time!" He loves it, but it did make Caroline shoot a questioning look at me the first time she heard it!

We're doing lots of things with them, but because there are so many babies and only 3 of us, we have to give some of them "tummy time". Tummy time is just laying them on their stomachs and giving them opportunities to strengthen their neck muscles by trying to lift up their heads on their own (the babies all sleep on their backs at the Haven, so this is not something they get to do on a regular basis). Some of them are getting good at it, but some of them HATE it and just scream and scream. We always say, "Oh, it's not that bad, sweet baby" or something like that. Anyway, we did the same thing in Haven 3 but were able to actually feed them since it was time for their bottles. At one point I had two babies in each arm and two babies on the ground in front of me holding their bottles and balancing the bottles for the kiddos in my arms where my elbow bends. That's what I like to call talent. We went back and did the same thing after lunch, but you could tell the babies were worn out from the morning groups. Some of them were a little more tempermental, but it was still fun!

We didn't have anything special tonight so we decided it was time for Zumba again! And guess who decided to do it with us? B Weave! She loved it. After 30 minutes, we were all drenched in sweat and she decided she had to stop and go look for her blood pressure medicine. It was awesome. Then we did 5 minute abs and everyone decided I should stop taking my malaria pills. Apparently they gave me a lot of energy and I was the one begging to do more! One of the ab moves we do is called "superman" where we lie on our stomachs, hold our arms out, and lift up using just our abs. Caroline said that one was horrible and I pointed out that it's exactly what we make our babies do during tummy time! No more complaining! Haha! Hopefully I can get some actual sleep tonight! Tomorrow after lunch we're heading to Livingstone in hopes of seeing a MOONBOW!!!!!! Yep, a moonbow. LEGIT.

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out Rach!! all the way from Zambia...i have the best friends :) i love the pictures of the sweet little babies -Joce

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